Insurance: Am I covered?
Since our doctors are licensed in Washington State, we are only able to bill insurance companies when the patient is located within Washington State when the visit occurs.
The providers at Seattle Integrative Medicine are contracted with various insurance companies and as a courtesy will bill them on your behalf when possible. To learn more about which providers are covered on your insurance plan, please visit the insurnace and billing section of the provider’s page and contact your insurance company to verify the provider is contracted on your plan.
With so much changing in the insurance world, we recommend understanding your insurance coverage before coming in to see the doctor.
Our staff does not verify an individual patient’s insurance coverage prior to appointments.
Please be aware that even if your health provider is contracted with an insurance company, it does not guarantee coverage or payment for all services. Contacting your insurance company to inquire about coverage either via phone or online will help you understand your individual coverage best. Should insurance not cover all services provided, our providers will typically honor discounted fee for service rates for patients when applicable.
No Insurance?
No problem.
Some of our providers at Seattle Integrative Medicine may offer a discounted cash rate for services when insurance does not apply. These discounts are offered when the visit is paid for the same day the service is provided. Please inquire when making an appointment regarding this discounted rate.
For more information about each physician’s discount cash rates, please give us a call at 206-525-8012 Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm and we’ll help you with estimated costs and discounted rates for the doctor of your choice.
Have more questions?
Call: (206) 525-8012.
We’re looking forward to hearing from you.
Frequently Asked Insurance Questions
Are your providers covered on my insurance plan?
Do you verify with my insurance company to ensure my visit will be covered by my insurance plan?
No, we do not check insurance benefits for patients. Instead, we encourage you to contact your insurance company to verify the provider you plan to work with is covered on your insurance plan.
Which insurance companies do you work with?
Which insurance companies are you NOT contracted with?
Our providers are NOT contracted with: United Healthcare, Medicare, Medicaid, Apple Care, Molina and Cooperative Care and we are unable to bill these companies on your behalf.
No insurance, no problem!
Two easy ways to find out if one of our providers is covered by your insurance:
Find a provider who may meet your individual health needs best by visiting our provider page.
1) Call your insurance company using the number on the back of your insurance card and ask if that particular physician is covered on your plan.
Our providers are contracted individually with insurance companies, so using their name is important. If asked to confirm a service address, our address is:
2111 N. Northgate Way STE. 221
Seattle, WA 98133 **
2) Log onto your insurance company’s website.
After you enter in your ID number and password, look for a “Find a provider” or “Search for a doctor” search bar. Enter in the doctor’s name you plan on meeting with. If they show up as covered on your plan, and the service address is listed as: 2111 N. Northgate Way Suite 221, Seattle, WA 98133**, you should have all the proof you need.
Again, our providers are contracted individually with insurance companies, so using their name and not Seattle Integrative Medicine is important.
Did You Know?
** We moved location in 2019, so some insurance companies may still not have doctor’s updated address.
5322 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle WA 98105 was the previous primary practice location for SIM providers **
Our Providers

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